FR – History

by Wilfried Raguin

At the beginning of our project, we looked at the history of our local community.  We have found a few interesting things that we would like to share with you:

Before visit in museum, museum came to our class. We could see and touch different historic things: mammoth teeth, prehistoric materials, medieval human skull, ceramics….


Our visit to the museum in Saint-Dizier:

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During two  years of project, we worked on the 1st World War, because it’s the 100th commemoration.

With my class, we made a competition of history memory.  We had to make a book about the life of the first man from our village who died during this year. One pupil had letters of Joseph Richard, who died during the year.

The pupils made one book about his life, and we won 3rd prize in our “département”, and won a trip to visit site of memory: museum about the 1st World War and war trenches.

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Photos of trip we won in June 2014 with our “memory book” in competition.

“Musée de Suippes et tranchées de la Main de Massiges”

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Activities about memory of the 1st world war (because our village was all destroyed in September 1914):

celabrations 1914

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